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I love to watch the woodland creatures frolicking in the park

And If You Don't Know Now You Know - Biggie Smalls

Did you know that a football game takes three hours

And the ball's in play for eleven minutes

I used to think that golf was the most boringest game

In the Universe

But I was wrong - oh so wrong

Have you watched disc golf

That, that is the most boringest game in Creation

I’m staying with Twitter as long as I can. I thought CoSo was a decent alternative but it’s so unreliable. This whole weekend I’ve been getting nothing but 502 gateway errors

[email protected] Show more

CoSo is still kinda glitchy. I'm trying to open it on my phone and I get a 502 gateway error, something I can do nothing about. Frustrating

Twitter refuses to die. All the interesting people are filing out of the building, and Twitter is being left with football nuts and askers of oh so many inane questions. You know, the ones you scroll right by

I'm almost ready to push off from Twitter but I'm still holding on to the dock by my fingernails.

I have questions. How do I find my friends on here? Community firehose is on my page two times. Can I replace one column with something interesting? I have others but that's it for now. Thanks guys


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