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I want to become...

...the man who when he arrives everyone shouts "Thank God you're here!!"

Human condition

Bellum omnium contra omnes

~ Thomas Hobbes

Mom warned me the steps were kinda slick. So I walked out the front door and went down the steps on my ass. Good going

Good morning youse guys. The other social media site is getting buggier.

Got my unasked for wake-up call at 6 am. A cab I guess, but like from an old movie. The driver was sitting there blowing the horn until about 6:30. I imagine them being disabled and phoneless, seeing as how they couldn't walk to the door and ring the doorbell or call their passenger

Here's some important news.

Little Debbie snacks and Bugles are no longer to be sold in Canada, and nobody's saying why.

What's the penalty for smuggling contraband Oatmeal Creme Pies across the border?

Part of me really wants to be abducted by aliens. The other part of me also wants to be abducted by aliens. In summary, I would like to be abducted by aliens.

Seems like the people who have remained on Twitter are afraid to be outspoken and fearless. Sometimes I think everyone is talking in code

My friend Jack. First time allowed to drive into the city. His dad woke him Saturday morning. Where's the car? Jack had forgotten he drove and took the bus home. He also had forgotten where he parked. He and his dad spent the morning driving the streets of Manhattan looking for the car

Had an appointment with a doctor at the hospital on Monday. Never been there before. The hospital is huge with many buildings. Walking out of the parking garage I felt like a kid fresh off the farm after getting off the Greyhound in the bus terminal.

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