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Inkjet technology has found a host of applications beyond putting dots on paper. It can now be used to make DNA microarrays for genomics, create electrical traces for printed circuit boards, and build 3D-printed structures.

The invisible man married the invisible woman.

Their children were nothing to look at either.

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."--Albert Einstein, in a letter to his 19-year-old son, Eduard
5th February 1930

In a recent interview, Boyd recalled that she had assumed the letter was from a crazed fan and showed it to her husband, the Beatles guitarist George Harrison. Then she forgot about it — until a few hours later when the phone rang. It was Eric Clapton, the rock guitarist and one of Harrison’s friends. (gift link)

The International Booker Prize Longlist has been announced, with thirteen books translated from ten languages in the running for the prestigious literary award.

If you didn't know the story of how Superman (and a very brave Stetson Kennedy) defeated the Klu Klux Klan in American, you'll like this story:

Overheard: Is this the end for Betteridge's law?

TIL The Wadsworth Constant is an axiom which states that the first 30% of any video can be skipped because it contains no worthwhile or interesting information.

From urban scavengers to dramatic standoffs to microscopic molds, the winning images of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2024 exhibit the beauty, spectacle, and fragile balance of the isles’ diverse animals and habitats.

"In the future, smart devices won’t just tell you what’s happening at home, they’ll make your home life better."

Or so we'd like to think.

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