Were you in a computer user group, back in their heyday? HIVEMIND INPUT SOLICITED.
I'm writing an article about The Golden Era of User Groups, and I'd love your input. Details here. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/estherschindler_were-you-in-a-computer-user-group-back-in-activity-6631687577005096960-QDcS
@mcfate It was scintillating enough for you to participate for a few years. What made you decide to do so?
Literally nobody else was willing to take the job, and I thought it'd look good on my resume. I was working for a New York commercial bank in basically the only DEC-20 site in the entire place, we had conference rooms, and getting a budget for bagels once a month wasn't too challenging.
Neither was the position: I mainly had to make sure we had someone lined up to give a presentation or a demo or something.
I was the President of the DEC Local Users' Group in New York City for a few years. I'm not sure what I have to offer, it wasn't all that scintillating.
We had meetings. There were bagels and coffee. And overhead projectors.