Prepare yourself for something that could make you faint, @researchbuzz: the Brisbane City Council made an order of 60 electric double articulated buses (each of them is 24.5 metres long) made by the Swiss company Carrosserie Hess.

@elleci42a THAT. IS. CRAZY. It looks like that game of Snake!

@elleci42a Absolutely. If I saw that going down the road I would stop in my tracks!


@researchbuzz Me and my partner have a Japanese-Australian friend who works as a bus driver for the Brisbane City Council and he always shares with me pics and video footages of the buses he drives as well as news about new buses coming in the fleet

@elleci42a That's really generous! It's good to have a friend like that. I bet he gives you some great inside baseball, as they say

@researchbuzz Yeah. Actually I became friend with him because he helped me to get the mascots plushies of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and then we started to share everything about buses

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