Another of Italy toot for you. This roadsign was introduced by the Public Works Ministry circular letter 1515/1981 and I wanna see if you get what it means


@elleci42a Based on the color and the fact that it's just a number with no other data, I think it's a distance marker.

@researchbuzz It says that from the point where the sign is placed there is a 60 km/h recommended speed. 🟒 for motorways, πŸ”΅ for the extraurban roads

@elleci42a I would not have guessed that in a thousand years!


@researchbuzz πŸ˜„. Obviously the number inside the road sign can vary

@elleci42a One day I'm going to find a really good country sign around here, like BEWARE NEIGHBOR'S GEESE , and send that your way. πŸ˜‚

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