
*SIGH* Discussion on elephant-site about May Day and having to work on it. All the people involved are definitely "privileged" in high-paying IT roles. (Disclaimer: that includes me.)

One tooted "I'm not only starting my new job today, I'm still technically employed at my previous job, so I probably win some award for Most Employed Person on May Day"


Yeah, because you are still technically employed at one WFH $100k+ job for a couple more days of paid PTO while you start your new WFH $100k+ job *REALLY* is what International Workers Day was rallying against…..

And not the single moms who have to work 2, 3, or even 4 part-time jobs *AND* hold "gig economy" "side hustles" to still live paycheck-to-paycheck because our crappy capitalist society that devalues blue-collar work and encourages companies to only hire part time without benefits...

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