After begging for mercy from the judge, Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola got a 10-year sentence. He immediately dropped the act, smiled, and called out "Trump won" before leaving the courtroom.

He seems unaware that the DOJ can appeal his way-below-guideline sentence.

@TessaForDemocracy yeah "they're governing the whole state" is exactly my point

How much do you want to bet that Elon Musk's idiotic rollout of Twitter rebranding as "X" is going to break a bunch of stuff across the internet?

@TessaForDemocracy which part of the state are you from again? I think there's a geographic component worth considering.

I've clipped and reuploaded my LibrePlanet 2023 Lightning Talk to YouTube:

@TessaForDemocracy In my capacity as Concord City Dems chair, I'm officially neutral in the primary between Cinde Warmington and Joyce Craig. In my personal capacity, I've endorsed Cinde, however (this was before someone told me that town/city chairs shouldn't endorse in contested primaries...)

Still not much activity on the hashtag on here... maybe once I get back from this trip...

As of this morning, Tweetdeck and Twitter Lists are now borked too.


Update: it turns out that more specifically, my ban was for linking to the ADSBExchange website. They want me to delete my link to in order to be let back in. Needless to say, I will not be doing that.

@egallager Badge of honor. Let Twitter go the way of Myspace.

So I got banned from the birdsite for sharing the ElonJet account

@cdespinosa yeah I'm seeing a lot more people over on my federated Mastodon instance too, or at least I was until it went down today... I'm thinking it might be worth keeping my account here, too, as a backup...

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Eric Gallager

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.