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Jeremy Clarkson's diddly squat is back

The Farm: series 3

Everything that could go wrong has went wrong


Blocking on twitter has always been one way not two way like here

If they block YOU they can still see your account but you cannot see them. You haven't blocked them.

Seems like a whole lot of people, on X, don’t understand what they just read about blocking. And are in shock to discover that blocking is only one way not two


If they block YOU they can still see your account but you cannot see them.You haven't blocked them

Blocking on twitter has always been one way not two way like here

X is changing the way blocking works. On Thursday, the company's Engineering account explained the changes as follows: "If a user who has blocked you replies to one of your posts, you will now be able to see their reply. This change enables you to identify and report any potential bad content that you previously could not view, safeguarding both your account and the overall integrity of our platform."


People need to learn that ignorance(lack of knowledge) is present on both sides

also If you don't understand why the other side isn't stupid...then you clearly haven't done your homework

@th3j35t3r yeah its like people can't disagree without throwing a hissy fit

Usually as well when you dig in and look at some claims some say like "I was attacked" or "pilled on by others" via replies & posts you see it wasn't an attack it was a disagreement and it wasn't a pile on it was merely two/three user agreed with one and not the other

Its pathetic & somewhat dishonest but more sad and disappointing that some just want an echo-chamber

Rage quitting isn't the answer 😔

Hamilton 68 operated as a watchdog for Russian influence in American media by observing 644 Twitter accounts allegedly linked to the Russian government and its disinformation efforts

Hamilton 68 would periodically report that particular news stories, events, or political views were being promoted by these accounts as evidence of Russian influence.


The most important point that needs to be made about Matt Taibbi’s Twitter File release and his subsequent “take down” of Hamilton 68 is a very simple one: it doesn’t make any difference to the Russia collusion story whatsoever.

Matt Taibbi's Bullshit

The Post issues minor corrections in coverage of Hamilton 68

WHISTLEBLOWER: Insider Details How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation in American Election

The “Hamilton 68” dashboard had spurred dozens of stories in major media outlets that accused conservatives of trafficking in Russian disinformation


internal Twitter emails were so damaging that the Washington Post later posted corrections to multiple stories that reported on Hamilton 68 and its findings.


Not following basic security procedures to own the libs

The Post Millennial, a Canadian conservative news website, was compromised. (Passwords are in plain text)

Apparently hashing users' passwords is too Woke.

Who Is Underground?

There are some conflicting reports and theories at play regarding Underground’s actual identity. One such theory claims that the gang is the successor of the infamous Industrial Spy ransomware that was active during 2022. This hasn’t been confirmed yet.

No matter its descendance, Underground proved itself to be worthy of attention.

The gang appears to be extremely effective at detecting and breaching high-value targets.

The Underground ransomware gang announced a massive operation recently.

The hackers listed 11 victims on their leak website, along with a short summary of each. The amount of data leaked varies between 35 GB and 1,6 TB.


Wouldn't be surprised if they intend to kill Perplexity AI - Perplexity has its own search engine that delves into the web and scrapes the latest information

OpenAI may unveil its own search engine on May 9 - The domain "" hints that ChatGPT is developing a search feature, though it's not live yet. - The idea of a ChatGPT search engine starts to make sense when you consider that Microsoft, a major investor in OpenAI, hasn't been able to match Google Search with Bing.

Meanwhile, OpenAI's homepage is undergoing a major makeover, with search taking the spotlight.

In the AI Regulation White Paper consultation, the government said the Intellectual Property Office would engage stakeholders on copyright and AI as part of a working group aiming to agree a voluntary code.

The committee said the government's response reflected poorly on its "commitment to British businesses, fair play and the equal application of the law."

The missive follows a committee report [PDF] that said tech firms were using copyrighted material without permission and "reaping vast financial rewards."

(PDF file)

In its response, the government said the UK had "world-leading protections for copyright and intellectual property."

(PDF file)

UK inertia on LLMs and copyright is 'de facto endorsement'

A committee of UK legislators has slammed the government for its response to alleged copyright theft as a "de facto endorsement" of the way tech companies build large language models.…

In a letter to science and technology minister Michelle Donelan, the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications and Digital said the government's record on copyright is "inadequate and deteriorating."

(PDF file)

@stueytheround yeah for about a week or so

one of they things that some will use for a week then stop then forget all about it

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