i'm one of they people when watching a movie who keeps saying
i might go silent while watching
it's simpler to have a "big bad wolf" to blame "it" on
fun fact
none of my uploaded videos has been flagged from @DeepFakeDetector since it went live
you can be a realist without being an alarmist
you are either a threat or NOT
you can't be "half a threat" or a "small threat" < you are still a threat
i have changed my twitter password 4 times now since that hack
trust was on a shaky nail with twitter before that happened now the trust is way out the window
not that anyone would target lil ol' me
or would they 😆
white folk who feel threatened by black lives matter movement are just dicks imo
no time for that kinda person
don't ya just hate it when someone says "there is research on this, that, or the next thing"
but instead of posting a URL to the actual research the post just the domain URL
little things, people, it's the little things, that others are grateful for and it's the little things that piss others off the most
i swear a lot
that doesn't mean i am angry, upset, or emotional when discussion something
i am Scottish
we swear a lot when talking
that's it
being subtle is not my strongest point
What is subtle behavior?
(of a person or their behavior) behaving in a smart and skillful way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve something I decided to try a more subtle approach
fuck that "shoot from the hip"
the only mortal sin is telling yourself you have never sinned
i fuckin hate 2 faced people
i'm no expert
but keep in mind this all started
"Huawei is at the center of tensions with Washington over technology and possible spying that helped to spark Trump's tariff war with China in 2018"
they seem to dismiss the bad and focus on the "we had a big hand in the abolition of trading in slaves" part
and skip the rest
Scots had a bigger stake than most english did abroad in the plantations
even the Scottish politics show today felt the need to address this with a segment highlighting these facts
maybe this is just me
but why do people have to bring up a person's race when giving said person credit for something
you wouldn't say "white" if it that person was when giving that person credit for the same thing
use the person's NAME
NOT their race
I went fishing, and I caught a minnow. If you think that's tiny, you should see the bait I was using
What micro fish could resist my love?
if we were all sitting in a room in real life
i'd be the quiet one in the corner sipping on his coffee just listening with the odd nod/shake of the head when someone made eye contact
"the quiet man" "they" used to call me
Ironically, the word "verb" is a noun.
E = Mc2 - Energy Milk Coffee
Fáilte Abhaile 🏴 “a nod’s as guid as a wink tae a blind horse”
ta be aff yer heid helps