#Telegram update: Friday 6th Sept: looks like Durov is taking responsibility - well in a kinda manchild way that is
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has broken his silence with a 600-word statement on his Telegram account that blames “growing pains that made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform.”
While the vast majority of his statement paints his arrest as surprising and unfair
he also admits that "policing" Telegram has become harder. Durov says it’s now his “personal goal” to “significantly improve things in this regard.”
French authorities had charged Durov with enabling various forms of criminal activity on Telegram, including an unnamed person’s distribution of child sexual abuse material on the platform. An unnamed statement from Telegram at the time of his arrest said Durov had “nothing to hide.”
Big shift from boasting about
"Telegram has created a kind of jurisdictional obstacle course for law enforcement that (it says) none of them have successfully navigated so far. From the FAQ again:"
To now "we will help"