Google has made it possible to set the cache to be auto-deleted - open google app(not chrome) - tap your profile pic(top right) - search history - Auto-Delete 3mths(which is the least you can select)
In the resulting window, tap to enable Auto-delete activity older than and then, from the drop-down, select the date range to be deleted.
remember, since you can only set auto-delete for a minimum of three months, you might want to regularly go back to the screen and manually delete your cache
@ecksmc Thanks so much!
@ecksmc great tip, just done this.
(to keep your Android device from saving cached items that are not more than three months old).
Just mind clearing cache from chrome itself will not clear cache from the google app.
Also switch off personalised ads themselves via your devices settings - google - ads >> opt-out
That will clear your devices advertising ID that links you to that device