@CriticalCupcake which result? Just so that I can advise correctly 😂
@killingfloorman UK election
@CriticalCupcake I'd say a shit ton. Labour will carry on Tory policies and the SNP have been wiped out so you can't even escape to Scotland for sanity sorry
@killingfloorman @CriticalCupcake SNP are wiped out cause of their own failures people have woken up to their hypocrisy and blaming everything on Westminster
Suggesting cause SNP have been wiped out means no sanity is laughable - IMO its about bloody time SNP got wiped out
To many folk clinging onto independence when it just ain't gonna happen its all the SNP were good for really education failed, drug policy years of failure, NHS failing, renewable energy fail
@ecksmc Scottish education and NHS are light years ahead of England thanks to the SNP. But you're about to get what you deserve with Labour, as always in a democracy. Enjoy it Eck 👍
@killingfloorman SNP blew £1 billion failing to close the educational attainment gap - Don't let the spin fool you, the SNP has demonstrably failed on education
NHS backlog
Waiting lists continue to grow.
Elective care in Scotland is facing severe pressures. ...
A&E waiting times continue to increase. ...
The diagnostics backlog continues to grow. ...
Medical staffing (secondary care)
@killingfloorman Barry Black is a postgraduate researcher in education at the University of Glasgow
Here's what he said on education
I mean, cmon on now stop kidding people on SNP were any better than other political parties cause there not never have been - and I'm not saying labour will make a difference either I'm saying SNP had their shot its time to see if another party can make a change
@killingfloorman @CriticalCupcake under wee nic they ended up with most of the failures though lol and financial police investigation with Nicola's husband being charged pmsl
No she was just good at being a politician and making people think she was better than others
Uk establishment didn't destroy her she destroyed herself again cmon be real