Others mighta already mentioned this but just in case you missed it

/@hisig <<< bot account as @ketchup9080 has already tagged :jester: about it, I'm not, I'm just letting some know who might not already know

I wouldn't click on any URLs from said account

Check how many posts, duplicate posts, its posted within a few hours

No need to bombard :jester: either with notifications block and move on


Malwarebytes blocks several subdomains of the domain netlify.app because they were associated with riskware and Trojans.

And every URL has netlify.app at end from that account

So don't click any

More here

The domain netlify.app hosts sites and apps for developers, but the service is being abused to host malicious sites and malware.


@ecksmc Some of them are hijacking the domain in the priv8 te.m as a shell so I think was a bot


@ketchup9080 seems to be bot-like behavior that's for sure 👍

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