:trollsplat: can take seconds or hours we all should remember :jester: has a life outside CoSo

Subtooting about accounts that spam or troll etc....kinda encourages them and also they then think they are winning

If a :trollsplat: doesn't happen within a few minutes just block and move on don't feed them by posting about them 🤷‍♂️ yes this post will be troll food also

And for your sake never click the URLs from such accounts


Anyhooooo don't feed them like me 😆

@ecksmc . Better too many flags rather than everyone thinking the next person will flag. I flagged her once and then blocked.


@TR_forester6291 yes - to be fair I wasn't talking about not flagging/reporting as such was talking about notifications via posts or DMs more from my post via the URL 😜

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