"Kremlin-backed hackers have been exploiting a critical Microsoft vulnerability for four years,"

"When Microsoft patched the vulnerability in October 2022 — at least two years after it came under attack by the Russian hackers — the company made no mention that it was under active exploitation."




The researchers say GooseEgg appears to be exclusive to a group it tracks as Forest Blizzard, which is associated with Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU.


According to the report, Forest Blizzard — as also known as Fancy Bear and APT28 — has been deploying the malware since at least June 2020 against state, nongovernmental, education and transportation organizations in Ukraine, Western Europe and North America.

In addition to CVE-2022-38028, Forest Blizzard exploits other bugs, such as CVE-2023-23397, which affects all versions of Microsoft Outlook software on Windows devices.


Microsoft has also observed Forest Blizzard targeting media organizations, information technology companies, sports organizations and other institutions.

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