Why is ChatGPT so slow?

Switching to the paid ChatGPT-4 model won’t necessarily speed things up either. All of this begs two important questions: why is ChatGPT so slow and what can we do to improve it?

Each time you send the chatbot a message, it needs to decode it and generate a new response. Internally, ChatGPT’s underlying language model processes text as tokens instead of words.

more about tokens here



You can think of a ChatGPT token as the most fundamental unit of the chatbot’s message.

So each time you ask ChatGPT something, the underlying model leans on its training to predict the next word or token in its response. The model can sequence these probability calculations to form entire sentences and paragraphs of text.

Each token prediction requires some amount of computational power, just like how our brains can sometimes pause to make decisions.

How to improve ChatGPT’s response speed

clearing your browser’s saved cookies and cache files can help

1. Try a different browser, connection, and device

2. Check OpenAI’s status page - OpenAI maintains an official status page that can tell you if ChatGPT is not working or experiencing slowdowns at the moment. It’s the quickest way to know whether the service is affected by a major outage or has difficulty keeping up with increased user demand.


3. Check for an active VPN connection

a VPN on its own doesn’t necessarily translate to slower ChatGPT responses, corporate or public ones may affect the chatbot in subtle ways. Corporate VPNs may block or interfere with the connection to ChatGPT’s servers.

Likewise, if you use a popular VPN service and connect to a busy server, ChatGPT’s servers may detect a flood of requests from a single IP address. This could trigger anti-spam measures or rate limiting, which throttles the speed

or my fav >> 4. Use an alternative chatbot with faster response times like Perplexity offer faster responses than ChatGPT. This is likely because conventional chatbots need to remember previous messages for context, which can increase the complexity of token predictions. Smaller language models will also deliver faster responses


Perplexity has its own search engine that delves into the web and scrapes the latest information

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