Just as scientists must be free to think the unthinkable and go against the scientific consensus, so too must every other worthwhile thinker and writer. But going against the consensus is bound to offend those who perhaps unthinkingly go along with the consensus.
@ecksmc Here's a link to the bill on the website of the Scottish Parliament. It's very reasonable and applies only to threatening behavior that is actually criminal, which is directed against protected groups. The law also abolishes the crime of Blasphemy. That's a step in the right direction! https://www.parliament.scot/bills-and-laws/bills/hate-crime-and-public-order-scotland-bill
@volcheck Police have even had to open 3rd party reporting centers around Scotland because they know come april 1st they will be getting complaints left right and centre from folk
Scottish law holds that anything on social media which can be read in Scotland is published in Scotland
the complaints will come in fast as well
@ecksmc So it's not just offensive or threatening. There's an "and" saying it must be intended to stir up hatred (or a reasonable person might perceive it that way). There's a defense if the speech is reasonable. It has protection for freedom of expression under EU law. I truly don't understand your concern. Sure there could be some false reporting, but it's just reporting, not action.
@volcheck some false reporting lol and who will determine what is reasonable or not?? Police can be bias also courts can be bias also
i have many reasons why this bill is an issue for me personally
and just reporting ?? no the police will keep ALL reports on file for LIFE every report made is gonna be kept Scottish police have already said so......
this is our first minister and what he wanted to do when he brought this bill to parliament
@volcheck read section 4
tell me that isn't gonna be an issue with false reporting
what you might find offensive or threatening i might not and vis-versa