SNP’s farcical hate crime bill is an insult to nation’s intelligence

I have posted several threads about this over the years

This is just extracting the urine now 😏

Police Scotland has listed a sex shop in Glasgow, a mushroom farm in North Berwick and a demolished office block in West Dunbartonshire as "third party reporting centres" for Scotland's new hate crime laws.


I agree with this

"With literally hundreds of third party reporting vehicles available - inevitably each one with their own interpretive vagaries - that means data confidence will be nigh on impossible to be derived - within a very short period of time we will have ‘data’ suggesting Scotland to be one of the most ‘hateful’ counties on earth. This Jackanory data will be used to justify an endless drive to deliver a Pygmalion utopia"

And after April 1st in Scotland

anything you SAY, that is perceived by any random person that it MIGHT offend some other random person, can have you arrested - Police Scotland have said that they will record every complaint made to them under the Hate Crime law and keep the record

Scottish law holds that anything on social media which can be read in Scotland is published in Scotland. ¯\(°_o)/¯

Happy April's fools Scotland right?

Muthafuckers I'll need ta watch my mouth 😏

wouldn't do it for obvious reasons, but would it be a hate crime to draw a cartoon of the Prophet in Scotland.....

It would certainly stir up hatred

or the fact i have even thought about it and written that here or have been thinking about it is potentially now classed as a hate crime under the new act?


Oops I just hit ma head on that "low bar"

Just as scientists must be free to think the unthinkable and go against the scientific consensus, so too must every other worthwhile thinker and writer. But going against the consensus is bound to offend those who perhaps unthinkingly go along with the consensus.

I don’t hate anybody I have never shouted abuse at anyone in the street have never used insulting language to someone I meet I don’t hate Scottish nationalists or anyone - I disagree with them and try to come up with counter arguments

The same applies to any other issue

But I refuse to limit what I say about these issues because someone somewhere might be offended.

fuck them and fuck the law

Humza Yousaf recently responded to a story about his involvement with the Scottish government giving money to UNRWA rather than UNICEF by describing those who wrote the story as racist, Islamophobic and far-right. That sounds awfully like they committed a hate crime. So, would these people be investigated when Scotland’s new hate crime law comes into force on April 1st?

Huge numbers of Scottish nationalists think that even providing counter arguments to their arguments for independence proves that I hate Scotland

But I can very well imagine that a lot of Scottish nationalists would be delighted to make life harder for opponents of the SNP.

Police Scotland have given up investigating many burglaries and what they call low level crimes

This new hate bill be made priority by Scottish Government they will want that "jackanory data" as a way to justify the new law

End rant 😆 🖕

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