yesterday was international overdose awesome day 2023 - i try not to overthink that day yesterday was a little harder than other years 😔

last night i thought of my own losses and all those who have lost loved ones to a preventable overdose 💔We need to do better to challenge stigma, foster inclusion & listen to the experts

would you know how to recognise someone in need?

When someone is experiencing an overdose, they are dying because they cannot breathe due to drugs like opiates switching off this vital signal to the lungs. Shallow breathing means breaths can be reduced to 3-4 breaths per min instead of the usual 12-20 breaths

During an overdose a person's lips, or fingertips, will turn blue (cyanosis) due to the lack of oxygen in the blood.

When someone is experiencing an overdose snoring, or rasping breathing, is sometimes mistaken for a person being asleep. However, it is usually a sign that the person is becoming more deeply unconscious, and their airway is being blocked or restricted

If a person is unresponsive and has any other sign like: Snoring, Shallow Breathing, Pale Skin, Blue Lips or Pinpoint Pupils call for help don't wait CALL

If you have Naloxone use it don't hesitate *use it*


if you know a friend or family member who uses opiates regularly in UK you can get Naloxone

you can ask to be trained to use it or take a course online - try your local community addition centre for info in your area for both options

Scotland is a little different than England and wales when it come to Naloxone always keep yourself covered by any changes in law surrounding the carrying and using Naloxone

Scotland it's legal to carry and use & get new kits from chemist

you could save a life

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