Susan Aitken, interviewed last week in The Herald, claims that Glasgow City Council is not asleep on the issue of unused, empty, eyesore real estate in the city centre. No indeed, it's an issue and it's an issue the local authority plans to tackle. Brilliant. How?

Groundhog day for the SNP

When is a radical plan not a radical plan? Perhaps when you've heard it on repeat for the best part of 10 years.


Ms Aitken says her officials could - in a "radical" move - take over unused and problematic properties using compulsory sales orders, which would be great except that there are no statutory powers to do so.

like one ex-president found out when he tried to purchase property in Aberdeen court told him to fuck-of

13yrs ago

The parcel of land is part of Forbes's 23-acre property in Aberdeenshire which sits deep inside the resort, close to the eighth and ninth holes of the first of two planned 18-hole golf course (he wanted to purchase it using a CPO but failed)

Billionaire responds with plan to pursue compulsory purchase and rename site of special scientific interest

(in case you didn't know this is why Scots don't like the man)

the sale of the scinetific intrest land only went ahead because Alex Salmond then leader of SNP stepped in and over ruled the courts

feckin eejit

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