
CoSo users decide if their post can be seen by outsiders or not

that's right YOU can decide

each user can enable their PLP, public landing page, and decide if it can be indexed by search engines

after enabling PLP you can then share your own CoSo URL and anyone will be able to see your posts

and you can share individual post URLs you make(tap dots bottom of your post to get the URL)

@ecksmc is PLP is a link for outsider who didnt sign up to CoSo? if my friends follow my acc here can they read my post? sorry i can only comprehend simple english


@Casi0L yes

it is a pro feature

once enabled you can share your own CoSo URL to non-user via other sites or email - text - msg apps etc.....

if your friends are CoSo users they can see your post without PLP enabled 👍

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