been using CrontrolD for almost a month now
Control D is a customizable DNS filtering and traffic redirection platform. It can do all the things your standard DNS resolver can (resolve domains to IP addresses), but it can also do a lot more. Think of it as your personal Authoritative DNS resolver for the entire Internet that gives you granular control over what domains get resolved, redirected or blocked.
or Control D's Default Location feature is like a VPN without any apps. It will make sites that you visit think that you're in a different country
maybe help you cut some cost as most VPN's are around £10 a month unless you tie yourself to a 1/2 yr deal < i hate having to tie myself to service for longer than 1 month unless absolutely needed
thanks @th3j35t3r for the heads up about ControlD 👍
by-pass geo-blocks easily
We’ve done the hard work for you, putting together 300+ services (like iPlayer, Facebook and Wikipedia) so that you can redirect them through a location of your choice