if you are using Bitwarden, or any password manager, do this
"generate a random passphrase using the diceware approach
Using a dictionary for 5 dice (7776 dictionary words) and picking out four random words, you get a password with slightly over 50 bits of entropy"
words are easier to remember when it comes to master-passwords
random passphrases are stronger and take longer to crack
@ecksmc I did that for my NHS password - I have to use my password manager to remember it. 😆
@Mandypar lol
I make my own words up and link them together I find it can be easier to remember them that way
separate each word using a symbol - or * etc...also can help
@Mandypar 👍 back atchya
@ecksmc Morning Eric 🙂 It's going thanks. I hope you have a great day.