
The Great Suspender Chrome extension removed for being malware

Google automatically removed the extension

Tip: if you did use that extension and it has vanished but need to find a tab/tabs

There is, fortunately, a way to access those tabs again, but it does require a bit of work

That involves searching through Chrome’s history for tabs marked with the extension’s unique “klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg” and copying only the actual links of the web pages

more here

I don't get why people were still using that extension I mean last year > the extension started tracking users

After many news outlets covered the situation, Google started warning users about the dangers posed by the extension

@ketchup9080 or just use Google's "read later" feature

kinda does the same thing imo 😉 granted you need to save tabs manually but hey DIY always best 😜

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