i'm laughing cause i mind a wee tit-for-tat i had with a user on here few years back about that subject
so, no comment 😆
@Kitty62862 there was a few of you "females" pilled on YES
so maybe 🤣 but not the user that sprung to mind
You remained respectful, so I never blocked you😉
There are things that get women angry, that totally confound men.
The trick is to get them to not do it, and to realize they’re not expected to understand.
It took me years to get my ex trained in that area. I would just say “Don’t do that please”. It took me awhile to understand that they don’t have to understand, or even agree. Just respect. If I didn’t get into explanation mode, we didn’t end up fighting 😂
@Kitty62862 totally get that
my point few years back was women also say the same to men and i have experienced it < which was called bullshit > which then lead to bullshit 🤣
anyway there are things that get men angry that totally confound women < always a flip to almost everything
In my 20s I did that, but it was always a guy I was familiar with, so they knew my Intent was innocent.
I don’t do it anymore.
With me, I believe 😂