Scotland's police officers warn SNP hate crime bill could criminalise private conversation

The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) said the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill could mean officers "determining free speech".

The SNP's controversial hate crime law could lead to the policing of what Scots "think or feel" and criminalise private conversation, the organisation representing rank-and-file officers has warned.

The Bill would replace criminal intent with "something altogether more nebulous", it said, with "some form of 'accidental effect'" being enough to secure a conviction.

Scots could even face prosecution if they play a song that others deem offensive.

7yrs in prison

good times ahead then 😆

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Scotland's Catholic bishops warn Bible could fall foul of SNP hate crime law

The Bishops' Conference of Scotland their belief a person's sex and gender are "not fluid and changeable" may also fall foul of the law.

and people said I was mad when I suggested that SNP want a granny state

if this bill and new law gets passed

Scottish people will be getting arrested for doing what we do best


srsly this is fuckin bullshit this


that's kinda crazy. W'd they have that much influence?

@artemis yup

the actual law they wanna pass in this bill means if I say something you find offensive you can report me

if me and were having a conversation and someone was listening in say on a bus and something was said that they found offensive me and you could be arrested

if I play a song you find offensive I could be arrested

and so on and so on

how hatred is defined is not clear which leaves it open to wide interpretation


holy guacamole...

even if they pass this non-sense, how could it be enforced?

Life is not a monastery. LOL



kinda why the Scottish police are opposed to this passing

they have no idea how it'll be policed

especially if it's one person saying something against another with no witnesses

and we have the "what if a few people don't like me get together and just say he said this" situation

the whole thing is really isn't policiable < if that's even a word lol 😜

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