The official number of advertisers boycotting Facebook over its civil-rights policy is now at nearly 1,000.

Facebook's "vexing and heartbreaking" decisions are causing significant setbacks for civil rights, an audit commissioned by the company says.

The two-year-long review says its actions have left many activists "disheartened, frustrated and angry".

Facebook has already said it will make some - but not all - of the changes called for in the 100-page report.


As long as those echo-chambers make him money, he don't give a shit if they foster extremism. Because he either agrees with the views or consider the end result (radicalised people ready to explode) "not my problem".

@stark he's already said "these advertisers will be back with facebook soon"

he doesn't give two shits

Zuck needs to go forced out before any change will happen

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