top of the is CoSo is better on a laptop/PC than mobile

thank me latter 😜

@ecksmc The browser interface also works really well from an iPad. It’s my go to

@h2oaddicted you can get the web experience on mobile/tablets also

mobile browsers just tap settings at log on page and tick "desktop site"

but you do end up having to zoom in and out a lot that way

never used an iPad so can't comment

@ecksmc Works normal from my iPad. No need to select desktop site or any zooming.

Also no need to select desktop site or zoom on my iPhone. On that one coso appears normally when the phone is horizontal and goes into the more app format of separate pages for each column when vertical. From the phone it also doesn’t pull in any extra columns you may have pinned.


@h2oaddicted hence why i said not used an iPad can't comment

ik there is no need to select desktop site on mobiles but i was just saying it is an option to do so

which gives you the full web interface via mobile browser over the mobile web interface 👍

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