

"Someone is responsible for what happened, and I can't say who that is, but it's not me," Baldwin said in an ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos that aired Thursday night, the first time the actor has spoken in depth on screen about the Oct. 21 shooting on the set of the Western Rust. shooting-1.6269837

He said it was Hutchins herself who asked him to point the gun just off camera and toward her armpit before it went off.

"I let go of the hammer and 'bang' the gun goes off," he said.

@mcfate @disk4mat

Even if he had never touched the gun he's in the management responsibility chain, no?

@Old_Dave @mcfate

I don't do guns but If one was handed to me I would check it for bullets for sure. (I have shot pistols and rifles)

@disk4mat @mcfate

Anyone should. Actors of varying experience with guns tend to be schmucks which is why the armorer position is so important.

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