

Electric cars could help to power millions of households in the coming years, simply by harnessing their battery power. The electricity in the vehicle’s battery could be plugged back into the grid, instead of being stored.

The technique was pioneered in Japan and our research will help us understand how best to use it in the UK.

@disk4mat I drive an EV as part of our company's fleet (a Chev Bolt, for disclosure). Until they can have more than a 300-450 km range (less in winter climes) I don't see this being a reality to be honest. Will need a LOT of advancement before cars can give back to the grid they rely on for power. Jussayin'

But I love the optimism.


It's a new topic for us. We are driving a 17 year old vehicle and doing research on ev's. Thanks for the imput.

@disk4mat Well, I'm certainly no "expert" on EV's but I do have some experience having driven a few on our fleet the past 4 years. Have one from 2 years ago that is showing improvement from our originals, and hope to take delivery soon of a new one... but can guarantee they won't be able to contribute back to the grid they draw on. not for the foreseeable future, anyway.

FWIW - if you're looking to replace your 17 yr old vehicle - depending on your space needs, EV would be the way to go 1/2

@disk4mat 2/2

We have saved HUNDREDS of dollars a week in fuel costs by switching from a mini-van and contracted drivers to a fleet of 4 (soon to be 5) in-house Bolts.

We have to be careful in winter climes regarding distances (charging stations not as accessible as gas stations) which is why they pay me the "big bucks" to sort out logistics, but we haven't had any issues and are happy to have made the switch.

You'll do well, if the current available EVs fit your needs.

@disk4mat Anytime.

Like I said - no expert, but have experience, and would be happy to answer any questions you might have that I *can* answer. πŸ˜‰

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