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Elon Musk terminated his $44 billion Twitter acquisition saying the social media company had failed to provide information about fake accounts on the platform. Twitter’s chairman Bret Taylor has vowed a legal fight

Please note that "living with COVID" and getting everyone infected has NOT resulted in herd immunity and will not.

The only way this pandemic ends? New science.

When that happens, will you be living with Long-COVID because you caught the virus 2+ times, or did you wear a mask?

Going maskless indoors today is like smoking in the 1960s - people thought it made them "cool" even though scientists long knew it was giving everyone cancer.

Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" is frequently coming up these days, for very good reason. But I didn't know that Amy Coney Barrett was a LITERAL handmaid in her religious cult -- I only found out a few minutes ago!

I will defend Native kids until my last breath. The dominant culture doesn’t get to decide what is best for Native Americans. They’ve already messed up things beyond belief.

I miss the days when people used to mock Nazis instead of constantly trying to meet them halfway.

Happy Pride! Couldn't happen to an nicer bunch of rich white assholes...

Won't someone think of the children? And by "children," Sub means "the failing companies the Fed has been propping up"

Shortly after the shooting, the Air Force also acknowledged that "had his information been in the database, it should have prevented gun sales to [the shooter]." The shooter purchased weapons between 2014 and 2017, according to CNN, starting two years after his court martial.

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Derick 🌈

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.