
Quick reminder that not everyone in and is a libertarian weirdo or conservative trumper.

Plenty of us are Progressives who are excited about disruptive technologies that will help the unbanked around the world and usher in many exciting new financial services.

Questions? Just ask. I've helped many friends get started.

@Jayfizze most banks require things like a home address.

In third world nations it is increasingly common for people to set up a crypto wallet to get paid, when they don't qualify for a bank account.

Plus, banks charge outrageous fees and crypto wallets do not.

@derickc lots of cool stuff happening with NFTs which we buy with crypto. I’ve been buying Bitcoin through Coinbase for years 💯

@derickc What is your solution to the environmental damaged caused by proof of work crypto; the difficulty of regulating fraud in a by design unregulated sector or the ramifications to macroeconomic policy if a government can no longer control its own currency?


I believe crypto should move to lower energy proof of stake. Most have already (v3 chains). More on the way.

Interestingly, Bitcoin has been used in a variety of ways to fund green energy projects and use energy that therwise would be wasted. Plenty of examples out there to Google.

I believe crypto should be regulated globally. Regulations have been increasing over the years.

Adding new currencies provides governments with more options, not less.

@derickc A fair take, I am not opposed to Crypto that isnt killing me or that lets Tech Edge Lords determine the quantity of currency.

@derickc this is what I don’t understand about crypto… what is there, to stop the ppl who make, or, own the crypto ( however it works) that ppl are investing in, from Just logging off and taking everyone’s money?

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