@moot0ne Did the new season premiere tonight? Having worked with some of the biggest startup success stories to date it was like watching our clients behind the scenes in SF. Thoroughly enjoyable and of course funny, because work is supposed to be fun!
@dbinkowski A) I’m still catching up. So, I don’t know about the season premiere.
B) I KNEW IT! I hope never to work for a start up.
@moot0ne Also, we launched Lily, the flying drone camera. Apparently they pissed away money on transforming a SF warehouse into an ice hockey rink. So there's a lot more to the SF startup scene than what is dealt with here, but the jackholes who think they know better is a consistent storyline.
@moot0ne the video, unbeknownst to us, was all CGI. then we had tech bros asking for refunds because they couldn't afford rent after they waved their tiny dicks around SF by saying they pre-ordered one. It was a colossal clusterfuck to the point that the CEO dis-networked from me on LinkedIn and then asked to re-invite me once he went under. This and why they were sued by SF is why a 22 year old shouldn't get $20MM in one month. No fucking clue how to actually make a product.
@dbinkowski #TechBros 🤣🤣🤣
@dbinkowski Holy shit...
So, they were basically Big Head giving his to Hooli?
That’s horrible...and hilarious at the same time. Kinda.