Morning walkies with Sachiko and Toshirō

SO MANY MOSQUITOS! I felt like I was being eaten alive this morning. I had mosquitos flying into my nose, eyes, and ears so that it felt like I was coughing up bugs

The pups were a little annoyed by the swarms of gnats and mosquitoes. I'll need to start spraying us with citronella and lemongrass before our twice-daily walkies now.

That's a shame. Even two years later, CoSo still doesn't respect or properly render EXIF data for picture orientation.

I was hoping would have fixed this issue by now.


@TayledrasChi beautiful pups. πŸ’œ
Most of us love the company we find here and the effort is worth no ads or trolls.
J may or may not get to it but he's a busy guy.

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