I messed up and deleted my post! Anyway, here is my one 19 yr old twin son's new album that he just released called "Troubled Child" . I just found out that you can hear the entire album on Youtube here: music.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y-R << "SHINE ON THROUGH" is amazing! A slow song, his voice is amazing, he also plays guitar, mandolin and keyboard in this too. Google for his website under Andrew Matthews Live.

@damselfly59 Oh you are so sweet. Not sure about that... There are so many music artists out there. I wanted him to go into financing like me or into computer security like my hubby. But we support his love and talent for music and we will see where it all goes. Thank you for checking him out Dragon. ❤️


@CindersPDX of course. I remember a post from a few months ago I liked too. Will see if he is playing somewhere next time I go to pdx. Usually have an 11yo in tow tho.💗

@damselfly59 He often plays where all ages can go. Just keep checking out his website here for info andrewmatthewslive.com/perform

@CindersPDX was hoping you would say that! Copied into my notes will be following. Thanks!

@damselfly59 I do not have Tik Tok, but he recently played somewhere where all ages were allowed. Andrew showed me some tricks he was doing there and I was amazed! The crowd loved him. Some one else video taped it and posted it on Tik Tok. I can barely keep up! LOL

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