A well regulated militia indeed...
@Armchaircouch Yes.
@KamloopsBob Yeah, that's serious Keefness.
@countZZero @CoSoMusic This one's even better. Keith and the X-Pensive Winos.
@StonedElf Thoughts and prayers.
@Grandpa_Bob Nope.
@DanAmrich Amen.
What an extraordinary little series this is:
@Fat_Old_Hippy Man, what a great song. I just fell into this album when I was 17, like BAM!
@MidnightRider @The_USA_Singers That was George Harrison who sang "Piggies" but, yeah, good point.
Fleetwood Mac “songbird”
Chicago-based hacker, Deadhead. Full-stack blockchain developer. Drupal and Vercel app designer.
I don't often play well with others.