I upgrade all my guitars-- tuners, pickups, knobs, you name it, I've made a personal decision about it. And even though everybody on the internet has an opinion about how a guitar should look or sound, nobody tells me what I can or can't do with them. I mean, really, nobody cares because they aren't their guitars.

Still, I'm glad we had this discussion about abortion rights.

Hey fellow nerds: I make in-universe music. Like, if you went into a real cantina, what would you hear? That's the diegetic dianoga grooves we're trying to lay down.

We have six songs posted, all free to download. You can throw us some credits if you feel kind, but mostly, we wanna find fellow SW fans who appreciate what we're doing.


How great will it be when OJ Simpson reaches Hell and finds Norm McDonald's in charge

The Beatles lost two guitarists, but still have a drummer and a bassist.

The Rolling Stones lost a drummer and a bassist, but still have two guitarists.

I don't need to say more, you're right there with me.

"They just ran a poll in Germany, have you seen this? I won the poll, they're calling me the greatest. And we love Germany too, don't we folks -- great country, strong leaders, very famous, tiny moustache...made history that we still talk about today, and they love me there"

ACE Hardware employees wear red hats with white embroidery on them too, so this is good to know he'll have opportunities that feel comfortable

Imagine being hired to work at a McDonald's and then half the employees spending three weeks having meetings about who is going to be the shift manager. The ice cream machine was already broken, but now the grill's cold & the customers are being turned away. Private and secret meetings in the freezer about who will manage the shift have become the only order of "business."

Like, we're going to fire them all for this, right?

Oh. Well, with all the latest news, I guess I won't vote for Hunter Biden.

I hear that DA comin', she's rolling 'round the bend
'Cause Fani wants to lock me up and put me in the pen
I'm stuck in Fulton prison, and time keeps draggin' on
Indictments keep a-rollin' and my alibis are gone

- Donny No-Cash, "Fulton Prison Blues"

I know the GOP debate is tonight and I'll keep an open mind, but I'm expecting a strong showing from the Dunning/Kruger ticket


"So, yeah that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here, and you know, it's a great story -- everybody's saying it, they say it's the best story they've ever heard, they come to me, tears in their eyes, 'Mr. Trump, please tell that amazing story one more time...'"

But what if your charismatic leader HAS done something wrong?

Is it possible?

Pretend it's Obama. Imagine it were Hilary. Could you conceive it?

If you can for them but not for him, Occam's got a pretty simple answer.

"We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you'll say, 'Please, please. It's too much winning. We can't take it anymore. Mr. President, it's too much.' - Donald Trump, April 12, 2016

"South Carolina Sen.
Lindsey Graham said Democrats are trying to 'destroy' the Supreme Court..."

If an adherence to ethics destroys the Supreme Court, it is already destroyed! Not addressing this just reinforces a broken and corrupt system.

And that tells you all you need to know about Lindsey Graham and the modern GOP.


I was recently reminded that the best way to respond to a stranger at the door offering you free home improvement is to simply say no thank you, lock the door, set the alarm, and activate the flamethrowers

Thrilled to show off our latest project at work, the interactive documentary The Making of .


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Dan Amrich

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