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I learned to hear the music of Earth’s underwater musicians

If we consider the sounds of whales and other organisms with an open mind, we find a strange beauty – and can even join in

David Rothenberg

Wiio's laws state...

• If communication can fail, it will.
• If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm.
• There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message.
• The more communication there is, the more difficult it is for communication to succeed.

Physicist Neil Turok, joins Curt Jaimungal and Theories of Everything to discuss his new hypothesis regarding the origins of the universe. Building on Stephen Hawking's geometrical model, Turok proposes a theoretical approach that avoids the singularity at the Big Bang by suggesting a minimal, mirror universe scenario without requiring inflation.


Morning Forest Walk About

Time to put away winter thoughts
Of slumber sloth and turpitude
The sun is dancing, burning off the gloom
Frolic, to music unheard or faintly remembered
As the trees leaf out
So can your sprit, a dervish of abandon
Grant yourself permission to be
Freaky, wild, and weird
For just one moment say
Fuck it to the doom

Ambient, Electronic

Music for Programming, a collection of “the most compelling music for sustained concentration”.

70 episodes, each about an hour.


Nicolas Masson: tenor and soprano saxophone;
Collin Vallon: piano;
Patrice Moret: double bass;
Lionel Friedli: drums.


I had to do a bit of surgery, repair, and cleaning on a complicated bit of tech gear today. And it all went smoothly only because I had this tool set on hand.

Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits

I can't recommend this any higher. Just fantastic tools. Everything I have bought by iFixit has been great, and worth the money. Note the long flexible extension, and the magnetic bits that hold those tiny screws in place, while you work in tight spaces.


Here is an ePub of some of what I have been reading, not in any order. From my "Instapaper" queue, run through "Calibre" to make an ePub for easy reading.


Here are some videos I have enjoyed:







There is no "away."
As in "I have been away." or "throw that away." Not in space nor time.

You have heard the phrase "You are made of star stuff." Not exactly true. You are mostly hydrogen, and all hydrogen was produced in the first 10 seconds of the universe. You are mostly big bang stuff.

We have a pretty good idea what the universe has been up too for the last 13.8 billion years. It is only the first 0.01 seconds that are a mystery.

The other day.

I spent an hour washing, drying, and brushing her hair. As one does. Letting down her mid-back length, silver fall, so often pinned up, is a sign.

This ritual can not be rushed. It fills us with gratitude and affection. I could with each stroke of the brush, feel a letting go, a return, a melting away of stress built up in my shoulders.

As I return to CoSo, and its noisy busyness, I will try not to add to the stress making.



How to heal from a storm of self doubt and the online bombardment of propaganda. Go offline for a while. Surround yourself with people that care. Laugh, dance, make love, eat great food, build or make something. I have been spending some time with my best friend. She gives no fucks about the news. Rarely goes online. And would rather snuggle up with a book than discuss politics. What she does do is live a modest life, and generally loves fiercely.


This doesn't mean that I am not paying attention to the 4 above. It just means I am not posting on these subjects. Many others will and should. Why am I doing this? Limits and constraints often are the precursors to creative acts and thoughts. And I feel like whatever new and creative solutions won't come from me repeating the hot takes of other's. But might come from thinking and acting from authentic care, rather than reactive judgment.

This is just me trying to be honest with myself.


I'm back, sorta, kinda, a little bit.
I am going to limit my posting to a few topics.

1. my lived experience
2. buddhism, buddhist thought
3. science news
4. books
5. philosophy
6. humor
7. music
8. climate emergency
9. tips, life hacks, food

I will no longer post about:
1. politics
2. world affairs
3. war
4. crime

But all ya'll go right ahead.


1st Intifada 1987-93:

200 Israelis killed by Palestinians.
359 Palestinians killed by Palestinians.
1603 Palestinians killed by Israelis.


2nd Intifada 2000-05

1774 Israelis killed by Palestinians.
406 Palestinians killed by Palestinians.
54 foreigners killed by Palestinians.
3179 Palestinians killed by Israelis.


Knife Intifada 20015-16

38 Israelis killed by Palestinians
3 foreigners killed by Palestinians
235 Palestinians killed by Israelis.


Every other social media platform stays online by exploiting YOU.

CounterSocial is different. We stay online through the ongoing support of users like you.

Thank you!

BOOK GIVEAWAY: "Voices of New China" (nonfiction)
Get one of 5 free copies for your review.
Why read this book?
One reviewer said: "I felt as though I were hearing the voices of individuals, not the gross generalizations about 'the Chinese people' we hear from the media."
Find my my email address here: and send me an email with your mailing address for a free book.
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"We Be The Humans"

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.