(This one is important !)

The Art of Solitude
by Stephen Batchelor

(In my own Buddhist practice Stephen Batchelor has been a very big Influence. Starting with "Buddhism without Beliefs" and all his other books, and teachings. Yet this one is very dear to my heart.)


Hear him talk about the ideas in this book:

Stephen Batchelor Finding Ease in Aloneness


Today's selection -- from The Next 500 Years: Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds by Christopher E. Mason. The human body has about 30 trillion human cells plus another 30-40 trillion bacterial cells:





When, Where, and How did paramedics come to the United States?
This is an incredible true story you never heard about.

American Sirens: The Incredible Story of the Black Men Who Became America's First Paramedics
Kevin Hazzard (Author)


( one of my guests recommended this book, have not read it.)

"a magnificent book of music criticism disguised as a memoir and a set of off-the-cuff fantasies and confidences...That's its genius. It is not framed as a work of music criticism; it is a lifelong performer's attempt to get deeply into a pop song panorama and a lifelong consumer of other singers' takes as a member of their audiences."

The Philosophy of Modern Song
Bob Dylan


Why read old books? A case for the classic, the unusual, the neglected.

Books of the past not only add to our understanding. They offer repose, renewal and perspective. Also, they can be fun.

"Yet the books of the past, besides adding to our understanding, offer something we also need: repose, refreshment and renewal. They help us keep going through dark times, they lift our spirits, they comfort us."

by Michael Dirda


A review of:
Fully Dressed and In His Right Mind
by Michael Fessier

Magical Realism Meets Noir:
By Jack Mearns

"The more unpredictably menacing the world seems, the stronger becomes people’s desire to make sense of it. We balk at seeing ourselves as pawns of capricious forces indifferent to our suffering. Surely, our misfortunes cannot be due to happenstance: someone or something must have it in for us."



Just finished reading:

In Search Of The Third Bird
Exemplary Essays from The Proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021

D. Graham Burnett (Editor), Catherine L. Hansen (Editor), Justin E. H. Smith (Editor)

The real history of the covey of attention-artists who call themselves "The Birds."


Podcast and book.

Why do progressive ideas get so little traction?
Thousands of white papers, hundreds of policy studies, but no snappy, short, simple, memorable, slogans repeated over and over. As climate change NGO's budgets balloon, the money is all going to law, policy, and lobbying. But little is going to grab the hearts and minds of the public.





"The authority of medical opinion is widely used as a means to measure the truth of a body’s impairment and certify to the state’s satisfaction that the benefit applicant is truly biologically incapable for work, through “no fault of their own.” This arguably subjective perspective of medical authority is treated as if it is a visible and clearly quantifiable fact."

By Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant




( just ordered, not yet read, but I like the author)

Neom: A Novel from the World of Central Station
Lavie Tidhar (Author)

In the desert, young orphan Elias has joined a caravan, hoping to earn his passage off-world. But the desert is full of mechanical artifacts, some unexplained and some unexploded. Recently, a wry, unnamed robot has unearthed one of the region's biggest mysteries: the vestiges of a golden man.


A Fresh and Enticingly Queer Detective Story: Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk

Even Though I Knew the End takes most of its DNA from the hardboiled detective novel rather than noir. Most people use the terms synonymously, but there are real distinctions. While the hardboiled detective story has an antihero getting pulled into a chaotic plot and eventually restoring order even as the bodies stack up.

By Alex Brown




An excerpt from On the Inconvenience of Other People.

"I will argue throughout, the sense of the inconvenience of other people is evidence that no one was ever sovereign, just mostly operating according to some imaginable, often distorted image of their power over things, actions, people, and causality."

By Lauren Berlant




New book confronts the intersection between mobility and the climate crisis.

"Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis" by Sodero, the Lecturer in Climate Change and Health, is published by McGill-Queen's University Press and comes out on November 15, 2022.


Mike Monteiro has a new book out... "well actually" it is the second edition of his first book.. but completely rewritten.

Ridding Yourself of Imposter Syndrome

"At this point, the evidence leads us to two possible conclusions: either you are very good at maintaining a complex level of treachery over an extended period of time, or—and hold on to your butts, because this is out there—you are as good at your job as all those people believe you to be."


Another year, another anthology: doesn’t editor and author Lavie Tidhar have other things to do with his time? No! (Well, maybe, but not to the exclusion of this.) Turns out, he’s on a mission, and that mission has resulted in The Best of World SF: Volume 2. Here’s Tidhar to explain.




Talk of ‘Christian nationalism’ is getting a lot louder – but what does the term really mean?

Our research found that 68% of disciples agree that force may be necessary to maintain the traditional American way of life. Most disciples express strong support for representative democracy; however, 48% of disciples support the idea of military rule, compared with 6% of dissidents.

By Eric McDaniel




"When Franny Stands Up," Eden Robins' debut novel

In Robins' world, the advent of World War II and the rise of woman comedians (filling in the vacuum left by the departure of all the men) reveals the existence of Showstoppers: involuntary psychic reactions that woman comedians can induce in female audience members when they're really cooking.


Electrifying Agents and the Power Thieves of Mexico City

"The early twentieth-century adoption of electricity confronted Mexicans with boundaries they frequently contested, or in the case of ladrones de luz, transgressed altogether."

By Diana Montaño




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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.