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The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet

"The publishing model is also unique, and uniquely cozy, published in small samizdat-type batches that can escape detection by Sophons. The book is published by Metalabel, Yancey’s new venture, which attempts to bring cozy indie-music-label vibes and anti-memetic defense shields to publishing."

“Words are events, they do things, change things. They transform both speaker and hearer; they feed energy back and forth and amplify it. They feed understanding or emotion back and forth and amplify it,”

~ Ursula K. Le Guin


Children of a Modest Star: Planetary Thinking for an Age of Crises
By Jonathan S. Blake, Nils Gilman

The Third Great Decentering
A paradigm shift from globalization to planetary governance.


(Do you know of Bernard Stiegler ? I did only vaguely, and after this piece I am going to.)

Our tools shape our selves

For Bernard Stiegler, a visionary philosopher of our digital age, technics is the defining feature of human experience.

Bryan Norton


Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities
By Bettany Hughes


So the opinionatedness of the book is phenomenological rather than ideological. So for example, even though it is a history by a woman who openly emphasizes the role of women in the story, it doesn’t read like a feminist


Free to read book.

The mind-body problems
Science, Subjectivity & Who We Really Are
By John Horgan

Could the Buddhists be right that the self is a mirage? Given all the metamorphoses we undergo as we age, is it absurd to believe in something enduring at our core? Can I really be the same person as that boy pushing through weeds and bleating, “I’m me”?

Nordic Visions: The Best of Nordic Speculative Fiction


Helgadóttir’s introduction provides an informative overview of Nordic speculative fiction as a whole and positions the genre within the broader context of the Nordic literary tradition, while also delineating some of the cultural and historical differences found in each of the countries comprising the region.


How a science fiction obsession led me to psychological war.

I've spent the past three years researching and writing a book about the history of psychological warfare in the United States. It’s called Stories Are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind, and it comes out on June 4. The subject crept up on me, and not for the reasons you might think.

Annalee Newitz


If I may I also recommend….

In When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times. — her timeless field guide to transformation through difficult times

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
by Pema Chödrön

Octavia Butler, Audre Lorde, and the Power of Pleasure

"I also think the acclaim around the Parables sometimes eclipses Butler’s other work, which is just as fascinating, just as disturbing and challenging."

In Xenogenesis, the Oankali can exude chemicals that drug humans with a thought and heal with a touch. They manipulate their own genetic makeup and easily heal their own bullet wounds. Yet they depend on their human relationships in order to live.


Céline Keller collected quotes from people—many of whom don’t identify as degrowthers—in books, news articles, academic papers, and social media posts, and turned all of that into a 158 page “different kind of graphic novel.” Free dowload or buy a print version.

Sophia Bogle is an expert at restoring old books and I was riveted by this video of her taking viewers through the deconstruction and restoration process, including a tour of her workshop and some of the tools she uses (e.g. a repair knife she designed herself to resemble a fingertip).

Narcissism in Reflection

Can you look away? A review of The Portrait of a Mirror by A. Natasha Joukovsky.

The ways in which we conceive of ourselves has grown increasingly individuated. There is intriguing research that has traced this psychological phenomenon to the disruption of kinship networks by the medieval Christian church. More recently, there is growing concern about the social costs this atomization and subsequent turn inward has incurred.


Who’s Afraid Of Gender
by Judith Butler

Global networks have formed "anti-gender ideology movements" that are dedicated to circulating a fantasy that gender is a dangerous, perhaps diabolical, threat to families, local cultures, civilization--and even "man" himself.




Candida Royalle and the Sexual Revolution: A History from Below
Jane Kamensky (Author)

Kamensky shows that the sexual revolution was always only partly about sex. It was also about technological transformation; about personal branding, the search for authenticity; and about the blurring of private life and screen life

By Fred Turner


This Jazz Legend Is His Own Work in Progress
The private musings of Sonny Rollins reveal an artist devoted to the rigors of self-improvement.



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"We Be The Humans"

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.