
If you are interested in Detroit's Funk Brothers, then check out this disc, Joe Hunter and The Funk Brothers 1960-63. Here is a link to the whole disc:

Indulged in a trip down memory lane on Sunday, went to see these guys live. They go well with Ruby Vroom-era Soul Coughing.

After all these years, they've still got it, what an amazing show! (and Paul Slavens is pretty much a Dallas music institution at this point)


Does anybody here have talent when it comes to SEO and internet marketing? Or know someone to recommend? I'm more on the coding side of things, and have been trying to help a friend of mine find new sales for his Texas high-school football documentary DVD. Thus far my efforts have yielded EXACTLY ZERO sales, so... yeah... I obviously suck at that.

Getting funky Father's Day started with a little funkrocksoul-hop:


For my fellow readers:

I'm reading "Little, Big" by John Crowley. Though only 10% through it, and despite two small repetition flaws, I am amazed at the writing.

I'm happy to find another writer who creates sentences so chewy-delicious that I often must pause after reading them, staring into space to ponder and digest.

Along with Nicholson Baker and Richard Powers, Crowley has inserted himself into my top ten authors list with astonishing ease.

Based on reviews,

Wow. I've either had a massive brain fart, or today encountered a new Mandela Effect event. I guess at my age, the former is probably more likely.

Here's Ishmael Ensemble's "Dust" from the album "Rituals", coming September 6


Twisting the post from @BenA a little:

Name a soundtrack album that is a great listen. Even if you've never seen the movie/show.

I have a few, but this one is easily in my top 3:


Boeing starliner now under 500m from the ISS docking port

**super exciting right now, nothing is happening, checking stuff like battery charges😉 **

live feed : nasa.gov/nasatv/

**yes, they going to eventually dock... today at noon .... i triple checked 😂 **

Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king?

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