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Nothing wrong with Taylor Swift, but I still wish it had been this:

Photos taken by a relative in Michigan last week during sunrise. No photoshop, just hexagonal ice crystals and pareidolia combining to make something beautiful.

Pretty sure found a giant tardigrade in my ginger container tonight.

What should I do?

I know it's silly, but a few years ago this picture provided me with humorously and tearfully odd comfort in a dizzying time.

Since the dizziness is ramping back up, maybe this will help someone else by generating a gutchuckle. If you are a Kaufman fan, this makes total sense:

( and yeah, I guess this qualifies as )

Was listening to the excellent Vangelis album "Nocturne" today to destress while coding.

Happened to look up as this album art showed in Spotify.

What I wanna know is: who approved this art along with its huge error?

a cacophony of crescents
a multitude of menisci
a bounty of bows
a concourse of concavities
a horde of horns
a drove of demilunes

@kel Diggin' your Oregon Trail request. This has been a hobby of mine lately (using ancient computer games).

Some of you computer pioneers might recognize this guy. We used to hunt him mercilessly:

Anybody out there in electronics? My experience is hobbyist level, and it's been many years since I did much. Fixing a Denon AVR that has a persistent buzz for the first 15 minutes it's on. I've fixed the cracked solder joints on an IC mount (the commonly known cause) but the buzz persists. So doing visual recon. Spotted this suspicious item (photo front and side views). I *think* it must be a capacitor given the 10 pf rating, but unsure about the poo. Is this cap leaking? Or is this a glueblob?

Spiders + Trypophobia. What fresh hell is this? Show more

For hot sauce aficionados: First tasted this sauce several years ago in Austin, but now it's finally getting widespread distribution. They have multiple 'flavors', and each is unique and very good. I mean, c'mon, a hot sauce whose first ingredient is carrots?

Seriously, try this stuff (or one of the flavor/pepper variations), it's addictive on everything, especially pizza!

(Not affiliated in any way, just find it delicious!)

Client of mine just received a domain expiration email from Network Solutions (ugh) with the subject line shown below and asked me if this means their account has been hacked. 😂 🤣

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