My Top 3 Songs of the Week (2024 Week 21):
1. Father Arcadia – "Dark Star". Not the Grateful Dead concert staple, this is Sheffield indie rock, anthemic yet moody, a bit like Editors' "Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors".
2. Juliet Ivy – "Is It My Face?" A simple yet highly contagious indie-pop tune that somehow sounds both current and timeless and deals with the evergreen fear that no one will ever love you.
3. RJD2 – "Catch The Exit Door". A jangly guitar, honking ska sax and deep purple organ combine forces over a looped beat to propel this clubby track straight on to Bangersville, daddy-o.


Thanks for compiling these, @SteveCarll67! I love new music but am often too lazy to search for it. 👍

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