@ceorl @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE

How much do I love modified Parkour? With prosthetic hip & knee, I’d still be willing to join in.

I want to climb a tree, says my Inner Child.



The masters of things like this are amazing, but so are the everyday heroes who get up and out and do what they can :)

@Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE

@ceorl @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE

Looked on Amazon for grey or modified parkour book. No luck. Lots of extreme parkour books though. Mostly European.


Maybe search for something like Senior Mobility or Balance. Parkour would be just one flavor of that, but far from the only one.

When I am out walking I am always looking for opportunities for little challenges, balance on that curb or fallen log, vault over that stone wall.

I loved watching those elders though, and thought of how they were learning how to scramble away from the bad guy, or nimbly dash out of the burning building :)

@Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE

@ceorl @Tarnagh @CinnamonGirlE

Just need to be willing to look an old fool, scampering around the neighborhood, jumping, swinging, side-stepping etc.

@LnzyHou @ceorl @CinnamonGirlE

Great thing about getting old: The older you get, the less you give a damn what anyone else thinks. 🙂

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