Hell has arrived in the Land of Lincoln once again, already too hot to be outside and it’s going to get a lot worse. I stocked up on popsicles for Ernie since he likes to stay out a bit longer than I like which makes his too warm. These cool him down and he likes them. Have the guy who mows my lawn a couple, with a couple bottles of water after he mowed the lawn. Poor guy was soaked with sweat and that was at 9 this morning. I feel for all the lawn guys who have to work in these temps.
@cjcrew In northern Illinois?
@BillieBun Central Illinois, Bureau County
@BillieBun And the power is still out.
@cjcrew They giving any estimates of when it'll come back on?
@BillieBun Lights were back on when I woke up at 4:30, with a recently received text saying lights would be on soon. Not much to do when the electricity goes out at night except sweat when it’s summer and the storm that took out the power doesn’t lower the temperature but does increase the humidity.
@cjcrew Glad at least it came back overnight.
@BillieBun Me too, the dog has enough of a time breathing, he’s a pug, add to that the oppressive humidity and hot temps air conditioning is a necessity. He’s been dealing with allergies too. It’s been non stop because we had no real winter, vet said they were labeling this summer’s pollen super pollen. Good times, poor buddy.
@cjcrew Oh, and pugs are so darn cute...
@BillieBun He’s a black pug, even cuter than your average pug. His mom and I became good friends so when she got pregnant with his litter I was gifted the first male (I’d had a name picked for a male dog years before this happened).
@cjcrew you should post a picture. 🐶
@cjcrew Two cute pictures-thanks!
Heh, yeah I stocked up on popsicles and we had a storm this evening that knocked the power out. Been two hours and counting.