@SatuUnelmia Racism is alive and thriving in the US. Our laws may keep it at bay but never assume that means it’s gone.
@SatuUnelmia I grew up in the midst of it, it’s a hopeless feeling knowing we can’t get past that mindset of fear for the other. Being white you can hear a lot if you are silent. You’re not much help in stopping it but you hear a lot.
@cjcrew I’m white but growing up my parents did a great job of raising us without making racial differences seen or even brought up in conversation. Mr Jordan had just as much respect as our black custodian and the father of our friends as Ms. Still a white teacher with no kids. My mom was a teacher so the Adults in school were just as respected as any adult in our life. We weren’t quite because we were more upset if we lost dodgeball more than cared what skin color our teammates had.
@cjcrew of course my dad never liked that I plastered my walls with Micheal Jackson and Prince photos from magazines but he never brought up the fact that they were black. He just complained that the tape was ruining my paint job. They paid for the buttons I covered my Jean jackets with and never said a word.
@SatuUnelmia My dad called Simon and Garfunkel black because he didn’t like their music. My classmates were listening to hard rock, most parents would have loved to have a kid who listened to Simon and Garfunkel but not my dad, if it wasn’t twangy country and western it was crap. I spent my teen years hiding in my room trying to avoid his racist crap.
@cjcrew thank goodness you got out for 40 years, that’s just painful!
@SatuUnelmia You know how horrible Trump is? My dad was the redneck version. My dad could be one of the nicest, sweetest people, as long as he was getting what he wanted and there were no problems confronting him. The second things went off track, he was a horror to be near. I was opposite his belief system. He could not stand that, especially since I was his favorite and I was the most like him as far as strong will and stubbornness goes. I challenged him, he hated that but he did love me.
@SatuUnelmia Oh and my dad wasn’t a dumbass like Trump is. My dad was undereducated and ignorant but he wasn’t stupid like Trump. Just narcissistic and self absorbed.
@SatuUnelmia I grew up in an all white area that was proud of the law still in the books that a black person couldn't spend the night in the town. I hate this area. The best thing I ever did was move away for 40+ years. The worst was to move back here, but my brothers are here and I need their help now so move back I did.
@cjcrew that must have been a horrible shock when realizing how you were raised. Maybe moving back will give you the chance to reach out and change someone life that you didn’t have. Has it changed at all? After 40 years? It’s horrible just thinking about being stuck in that situation!
@SatuUnelmia It’s still a backward, redneck, community but, I am an adult now. I don’t have to accept that crap, nor do I. Although I do have to bite my tongue quite often at work, I’m not really good at that anymore. I tend to blurt out what I think. Thank goodness my bosses don’t care as long as I’m not completely rude about it.
@SatuUnelmia The truth shall set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
@cjcrew I have learned that. It’s a horrible feeling to accept the truth.