@missdaisydisco when you just want to 'talk' there's no need for a hashtag, but if you specially want to talk about smth, then I would use the # to engage with people that uses the same hashtag
@DRod1971 yes, is available on android and ios
@ceorl but its impossible to track firehose, everyday it pass goes faster, coso is increasing their user base.
Btw, can you set columns of hashtags?
@ianrobo Then we shouldn't have verified accounts either because in the end, it's the same
@ceorl Are we running from what people is talking right now? Why is it a bad thing that we know what is happening right now?
@DungeonMaster @status this is probably coming from twitter craps, now that CoSo is getting popular around twitter
@status I knew something was wrong, app wasn't loading and website was loading very slow, thanks for the update 🖤
@CherNohio Where do we see those notifications?
@redenigma I personally love Adguard more than Adblock plus, if not just stick with Adblock plus, you can get it too on edge.
@redenigma You download them from their Store https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/Microsoft-Edge-Extensions-Home or from Chrome WebStore https://chrome.google.com/webstore/