CoSo should get something like trending topics or trending hashtags
@ceorl Are we running from what people is talking right now? Why is it a bad thing that we know what is happening right now?
The Firehose is what people are talking about, all of it, unfiltered, in real time.
If you want to see subsets in topic areas that interest you, try setting up some hashtag search columns. There again, you will see it all, as it happens, in your topic area.
Don't hold your breath for algorithms here. Not having them is kind of core to the product.
@ceorl but its impossible to track firehose, everyday it pass goes faster, coso is increasing their user base.
Btw, can you set columns of hashtags?
yes you can set columns to be hashtag searches.
Just use the search box to find the first one, click it to open the column, then you can even add multiple additional tags to that column saving space and combining feeds that suit you.
Oh and then remember to "pin" the column so you don't have to recreate it any time.
BTW, you can un-pin the Firehose or move it to the side if it is too much at the moment.
I'm so glad you are open to learning the tricks and techniques.
@chopo I think the idea is to NOT have any ability to go viral here, so there is no way for a hashtag or topic to "trend". It's the opposite of traditional social networks, I kinda like it.
No thank you.
Probably not. Those are the sort of algorithmic shenanigans we are fleeing from.