
Very big First Day of School Energy here, and I kinda like it.

@charlotteclymer so excited and happy to see you here, Charlotte! The petty in me LOVES the mass exodus from Elon’s bird app.

@charlotteclymer it’s because of your tweet I found this. Thank you 🙏🏽 ❤️

@charlotteclymer lol, it kind of feels like that since I can’t figure things out at the moment 😄. I was glad to see a familiar name that I follow on Twitter scroll by.

@charlotteclymer It's a very busy interface. No way my brain is gonna want to deal with all these gizmos and sliders.

If I can get a minimal version, tho . . .

@michaeltbacon @charlotteclymer there's something called 'ostrich mode' in the settings (Preferences) I haven't tried it but apparently it simplifies things

@charlotteclymer good to see you here! You're one of my faves from the other side.

@charlotteclymer Yes - and all these neat new things to check out! Smells like sharpened pencils!

@charlotteclymer Feels more like I'm the transfer student in school. Nobody I know is here 😂

@charlotteclymer I knew you couldn’t stay away 😉😉 - now let’s get some ohter blue checks over here too


Welcome, Ma’am!

I follow you on that birdie site. It is a beautiful thing to have you grace as part of our community. I am absolutely certain you will love our little global township.

CoSo is what social media SHOULD have been from the very beginning. But even it’s late arrival is better than to never have arrived.

Welcome Home, to this new place. We have plenty of room for all good hearted folk here.

@charlotteclymer Hi Charlotte! Happy to have found you here too! Always enjoyed your posts on Twitter. :-)

Hey, Charlotte, good to see you. You won't get so much crap here and won't need to say "sweetie" probably.

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